Dragan Pleskonjic
Researcher, Innovator, Author, Speaker, Adjunct Professor, Security Architect & Advisor, Leader, Entrepreneur, Founder, Executive. Information Security, Software Security, Cybersecurity, Privacy, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
- Founder & CEO @ GLOG.AI
- Initiator and Founder of the R&D projects: INPRESEC (Intelligent Predictive Security), Glog, Security Predictions, vSOC
- Former Senior Director Application Security at IGT (GTECH)
- Rich experience in creating and managing start-ups, new businesses development
- Leading management positions in international corporations
- Expertise in information security, computer software and networks industry
- Prolific academic career: Adjunct Professorship, authorship of books, scientific papers and journals’ articles
- Scientific and security leader, researcher, advisor, architect
- Inventor with a set of U.S. patents granted and several patent applications pending (USPTO, CIPO, EPO, WIPO)
- CERN Technology Strategy Advisor for World LHC Computing Grid Tier 1 Center (Serbia)
- Entrepreneur, leader, motivator, visionary
- Senior Member IEEE
- Senior Member ACM
- ISACA Gold Level Member
- Member of the EC-Council University Advisory Board
- Member of the Mend (formerly WhiteSource Software) Software Customer Advisory Board
- Member of the Serbian AI Society Advisory Board
- Member of the Serbian Entrepreneurs
- Member of the Data Security Initiative Advisory Board
- Data Science Ambassador
Short resume – speaker introduction profile
Dragan Pleskonjic is the Founder & CEO at GLOG.AI – exploring the paradigm shift in Cybersecurity, Software Security and Privacy aided by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Dragan is a well-known expert and influential strategic thinker in the area of information security, privacy, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI). He is an experienced leader and has held top positions at international companies, working with clients and partners from various sectors worldwide, including finance and banking, technology, telecommunications, services, lotteries, gaming, education, government, and others. He possesses rich experience in creating and managing start-ups, new business development, and has proven leadership and talent for creating, managing, and organizing successful teams. He has initiated and held leading positions in a number of industry projects, as well as in research and development projects. Dragan is an adjunct professor for various cybersecurity and computer science courses. He is the author of ten books so far, including university textbooks on topics such as cybersecurity, operating systems, and software. Dragan is an inventor with a set of patents granted by USPTO and also CIPO, EPO, and WIPO patent offices. He has published more than ninety scientific and technical papers at conferences and journals. His current research and development focus is intelligent predictive security, exploring the paradigm shift in information security and privacy with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Dragan is the initiator and founder of INPRESEC project and solution as well as Glog.AI software security solution, Security Predictions, and many other products, solutions, and projects. For more information, please visit his Personal Website | LinkedIn | Twitter. |
Kratak rezime [srpski]
Mr Dragan Pleskonjić je istraživač, inovator, autor, predavač, savetnik za bezbednost, preduzetnik, rukovodilac i ekspert u oblastima: informacione i sajber bezbednosti, bezbednosti softvera, privatnosti, mašinskog učenja, veštačke inteligencije… Tokom svoje profesionalne karijere, bio je na rukovodećim pozicijama u međunarodnim kompanijama sa globalnom pokrivenošću. Osnivač je firme GLOG.AI. Autor je deset knjiga do sada, kao i više desetina naučnih i stručnih radova objavljenih u časopisima i na konferencijama u zemlji i inostranstvu i brojnih nastavnih materijala. Do sada ima devet priznatih patenata kod američkog, kanadskog i evropskog zavoda za patente. Povremeno radi recenzije naučnih radova za poznate svetske naučne časopise. Često govori na naučnim, stručnim i profesionalnim skupovima internacionalno. Njegovi radovi, knjige i izlaganja su često citirani. Dragan je lider, motivator, vizionar, strateg i startap mentor. Inicirao je i vodio veliki broj istraživačko-razvojnih i industrijskih projekata. Učestvovao je u pokretanju i razvoju velikog broja startap kompanija. Član je profesionalnih udruženja IEEE i ACM, kao i više društava u okviru njih, uključujući društva za računarsku bezbednost i privatnost. Izabran je u status Senior Member u oba udruženja. Član je profesionalnog udruženja ISACA. Član je više savetodavnih odbora tehnoloških kompanija i profesionalnih organizacija, kao i radnih grupa za standardizaciju i najbolje prakse u okviru IEEE i ACM. Trenutno je fokusiran na svoje razvojne projekte: Glog.AI, INPRESEC (Intelligent Predictive Security) i Security Predictions čiji je pokretač i osnivač. Ovi projekti donose novi pristup sajber bezbednosti i softverskoj bezbednosti korišćenjem mašinskog učenja i veštačke inteligencije. Za više detalja, posetite Personal Website | LinkedIn | Twitter. |

Introduction: Dragan Pleskonjic as speaker at IBM Think Conference