This page contains: case studies, articles, quotes, citations, interviews and similar. These appeared in various online media, printed materials or other means of communication. Page is updated from time to time as content appear elsewhere and I notice it. If you want to inform about interesting stuff, please [contact me].
Case Studies:
- WhiteSource Software – IGT Case Study – WhiteSource Prioritize – IGT’s Game Changer
- IBM – IGT Case Study – Application Security with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- George Lawton, “Fighting Intrusions into Wireless Networks”, IEEE Computer, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 12-15, May 2010, doi: 10.1109/MC.2010.137
- Neil Jones, “10 Ways to Expand Your Application Security Knowledge in 2021”, Secure DevOps | January 12, 2021
Citations at Google Scholar profile
Member of the Serbian AI Society Advisory Board
Inicijativa za jačanje bezbednosti podataka:
Edicija “Digitalizacija i sajber sigurnost”, mart 2021. Intervju: Dragan Pleskonjić – Sajber ratovi „tinjanju velikim intenzitetom“, strana 24 – 26.
Intervju – Dragan Pleskonjić: “Nije pitanje da li će hakeri napasti, već kada”, Magazin Biznis, decembar-januar 2021, broj 179-180